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BSR_S08E05 - PhillyGRIT Chat with Alaina Johns and Josh Herron

The BSR podcast hosts, Alaina Johns and Josh Herren, discuss their experience attending three solo shows in Philadelphia: 'Johnny Depp: A Retrospective on Late Stage Capitalism' by Jenna Kuerzi and Val Dunn, 'Catholic Guilt' by Kelly McCaughan, and 'Good Person' by Brett Ashley Robinson. They provide their thoughts on each show, highlighting the themes, performances, and audience interactions. They also reflect on the progression of the shows from a focus on a famous person to a specific individual to a more introspective exploration. The hosts commend Theater Exile for supporting local artists and recommend attending the shows.


Theater Exile's Philly Grit series showcases the work of local artists and provides a platform for their unique voices.

Each solo show explores different themes and engages the audience in various ways, from interactive moments to vulnerable storytelling.

The shows progress from a focus on a famous person to a specific individual to a more introspective exploration of self and societal issues.

The hosts appreciate the rawness and vulnerability of the shows, as well as the use of minimal props and settings to create impactful experiences.

The shows challenge the audience's preconceptions and invite them to reflect on their own beliefs and behaviors.

The hosts encourage listeners to attend the shows and support local artists.

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BSR_S08E05 - PhillyGRIT Chat with Alaina Johns and Josh Herren Broad Street Review, Podcast - Host: Darnelle Radford