BSR_S04E14_Brie Knight - Pancake Queen
Season 4, Podcast, Broad Street Review, 2020 Darnelle Radford Season 4, Podcast, Broad Street Review, 2020 Darnelle Radford

BSR_S04E14_Brie Knight - Pancake Queen

When Quaker Oats Company announced the retirement of the Aunt Jemima brand, my first thought was to talk to playwright, Brie Knight, whose play titled, “Pancake Queen” told the story of Nancy Green, the woman hired to portray the figure.

The play received the 2015 Sue Winge Playwriting Award from Villanova University, was featured in PlayPenn’s 2017 Conference, and received its first reading as part of the inaugural Philadelphia Women’s Theatre Festival.

Here is my interview with Brie Knight.

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