BSR_S04E07_Shrek: The Musical - Walnut Street Theatre
Today on the podcast, Nichalas L. Parker (Shrek) talks about Walnut Street Theatre’s production of Shrek The Musical. We talk costumes, dance numbers, the Thanksgiving Day Parade and memorable moments both on and offstage. Stay Tuned!

BSR_S04E06_Rashaad Newsome - Black Magic
On today’s podcast, we meet Rashaad Newsome, interdisciplinary artist whose exhibition, “Black Magic” is being presented at the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center. Here is my interview with Rashaad Newsome.
BSR_S04E05 - The Bridge PHL Theatre Festival
Today on the podcast, Hannah Tsapatoris McLeod and Meryl Lynn Brown talks bout the origins of Bridge PHL Theatre Festival. We will also explore one of the offerings of the festival, an adaptation of The Trojan Women by Euripides. Here is my interview with Bridge PHL Theatre Festival.

BSR_S04E04_Spotlight-Dan Rottenberg
Today on the podcast, Founder and Chairman, Dan Rottenberg talks about the origins of Broad Street Review, his long career as a journalist and future plan. Here is my interview with Founder and Chairman Dan Rottenberg.