BSR_S08E01 - The Pecking Order - Paperdoll Ensemble
Today on the podcast, Amanda Jensen, Co-Founder of Paperdoll Ensemble, drops in to talk about the 2023 FringeArts offering, The Pecking Order, a 70s-inspired tragicomedy highlighting the absurdity of women’s rights being thrust back in time. Here is my interview with Paperdoll Ensemble for The Pecking Order.

BSR_S07E10 - In Their Silence
(formerly, They'll Neglect to Tell You)
by TS Hawkins
directed by Reva Stover
September 15-October 1 *limited engagement
Click here for Sept. 15th - 24th; tickets available at FringeArts!
Click here for Sept. 29th - Oct 1st; tickets available at Allens Lane!
Grace is a burgeoning therapist. Merci dangles for freedom at the bottom of a bourbon glass. College sweethearts and newlyweds, they elope to Philadelphia for a fresh beginning. Stumbling into polarizing landscapes, they struggle in the margins of heart and home.
Listen to the Moodlist on Spotify!
Read about Grace & Merci's journey!
(She/They) Sabriaya Shipley as GRACE
Jaylyn Anderson as MERCI
Jameka Monet Wilson as THE CITY
(They/Them) TS Hawkins - Playwright, Dramaturg, & Marketing Coordinator
Reva Stover - Director
(He/Him) Josh Hitchens - Allens Lane Art Center Artistic Director, Stage Manager, Sound Designer, & Costume Manager
CJ Higgins - Intimacy Director
Sabrena Wishart - Set Designer
Siobhan Ehresmann - Lighting Designer
Megan Edelman - Prop Management
Dorothy Lewis-Hawkins, Black Theatre Alliance of Philadelphia, and Prime Act Media LLC
Cannonball - https://www.cannonballfestival.org
Hum N’ Bards - http://www.humnbards.com
Mind The Gap - https://fringearts.my.salesforce-sites.com/ticket/#/events/a0S6e00000h3ZATEA2
TS POETICS: https://www.tspoetics.com/2022/09/events-in-their-silence-by-ts-hawkins.html
ALLENS LANE ART CENTER: https://allenslane.org/theater/
TIX at Allens Lane: https://allenslane.org/theater/
TIX at FRINGE ARTS: https://phillyfringe.org/events/in-their-silence/

BSR_S06E01 - The Wasp's Nest - Paper Doll Ensemble
Join us in The Wasp’s Nest, a devised sitcom-style presentation about a zany group of magical beings. A motley crew of Pearl, Fiorella, and unlucky Lucifer struggle with a seemingly simple task: what to do with a community garden? Spoiler Alert! It gets messy.
Peppered with "commercials" of the most devilish sort, this show is the culmination of over a year of research, improvisations, writing exercises, and character development. Created almost entirely via Zoom, this digital presentation deals with themes including politics, power, the prison-industrial complex, sex and gardening.
FOR TICKETS AND INFORMATION: https://paperdollensemble.com and https://fringearts.com/event/the-wasps-nest/

BSR_S05E10 - Brian Sanders' JUNK presents, "Dragonbutter"
Today on the podcast, Artistic Director, Brian Sanders talks about the new interactive video-game-style experience, “Dragonbutter”, presented by Brian Sanders’ JUNK. Here is my interview with Brian Sanders.
Begin your journey in an 8,000 square foot abandoned laboratory building, at 2nd and Spring Garden streets, where expert researchers are trying to understand what the mysterious Dr. Livingston was working on and determine if there is anything to salvage before the building is demolished. You will quickly find clues from nonsensical scribblings that Dr. Livingston was not only a considerable genius, but also an impractical man teetering on insanity.