BSR_S08E01 - The Pecking Order - Paperdoll Ensemble
Today on the podcast, Amanda Jensen, Co-Founder of Paperdoll Ensemble, drops in to talk about the 2023 FringeArts offering, The Pecking Order, a 70s-inspired tragicomedy highlighting the absurdity of women’s rights being thrust back in time. Here is my interview with Paperdoll Ensemble for The Pecking Order.

BSR_S07E10 - In Their Silence
(formerly, They'll Neglect to Tell You)
by TS Hawkins
directed by Reva Stover
September 15-October 1 *limited engagement
Click here for Sept. 15th - 24th; tickets available at FringeArts!
Click here for Sept. 29th - Oct 1st; tickets available at Allens Lane!
Grace is a burgeoning therapist. Merci dangles for freedom at the bottom of a bourbon glass. College sweethearts and newlyweds, they elope to Philadelphia for a fresh beginning. Stumbling into polarizing landscapes, they struggle in the margins of heart and home.
Listen to the Moodlist on Spotify!
Read about Grace & Merci's journey!
(She/They) Sabriaya Shipley as GRACE
Jaylyn Anderson as MERCI
Jameka Monet Wilson as THE CITY
(They/Them) TS Hawkins - Playwright, Dramaturg, & Marketing Coordinator
Reva Stover - Director
(He/Him) Josh Hitchens - Allens Lane Art Center Artistic Director, Stage Manager, Sound Designer, & Costume Manager
CJ Higgins - Intimacy Director
Sabrena Wishart - Set Designer
Siobhan Ehresmann - Lighting Designer
Megan Edelman - Prop Management
Dorothy Lewis-Hawkins, Black Theatre Alliance of Philadelphia, and Prime Act Media LLC
Cannonball - https://www.cannonballfestival.org
Hum N’ Bards - http://www.humnbards.com
Mind The Gap - https://fringearts.my.salesforce-sites.com/ticket/#/events/a0S6e00000h3ZATEA2
TS POETICS: https://www.tspoetics.com/2022/09/events-in-their-silence-by-ts-hawkins.html
ALLENS LANE ART CENTER: https://allenslane.org/theater/
TIX at Allens Lane: https://allenslane.org/theater/
TIX at FRINGE ARTS: https://phillyfringe.org/events/in-their-silence/

BSR_S06E01 - The Wasp's Nest - Paper Doll Ensemble
Join us in The Wasp’s Nest, a devised sitcom-style presentation about a zany group of magical beings. A motley crew of Pearl, Fiorella, and unlucky Lucifer struggle with a seemingly simple task: what to do with a community garden? Spoiler Alert! It gets messy.
Peppered with "commercials" of the most devilish sort, this show is the culmination of over a year of research, improvisations, writing exercises, and character development. Created almost entirely via Zoom, this digital presentation deals with themes including politics, power, the prison-industrial complex, sex and gardening.
FOR TICKETS AND INFORMATION: https://paperdollensemble.com and https://fringearts.com/event/the-wasps-nest/

BSR_S05E11 - Gilligan Gigs Again and a BSR Editorial Corner
Today on the podcast, Connor Hogan stops by to talk about the FringeArts offering, “Gilligan Gigs Again”, a trivia cabaret on radical self-acceptance. Here is my interview with Connor Hogan.
BONUS: Editor-In-Chief, Alaina Johns talks Accessibility in our first BSR Editorial Corner!!